This past Saturday Matthew was busy. At 8am he was already at the training center here on post for his "mock deployment". Ken helped out so he really wasn't able to get too many pictures and they were all taken on his phone. What the kids got to do were p.t. (physical training),drill and ceremonies,cryptology exercise, flight checks (at the air port)and rode in a humvee. He seemed to have really enjoyed himself. As soon as he got home he ran out and played with some friends til about 2:30 (he came back in for lunch briefly)and showered and got ready for church. At 3:50 he had confessionals with the priest. We talked about sins during lunch but he mysteriously forgot them all when it was time to confess them. Well, he did remember all his prayers so Ken and I are both proud of him. After that we came home and he changed back into his play clothes and back out he went. He also practiced riding his bike w/o training wheels. He did very well. We just got him the bike back in mid Nov. and with this horrible weather we had, he hasn't really been able to practice with it. So I am glad that he asked Ken to have him remove his training wheels.
Sunday he had to go to church and sit with his class. It was nice to go and actually be able to listen to priest since we usually attend 9am mass and Ken has to go with his RCIA class so I am left with both kids...ALONE. Which wouldn't be too bad if Mady would quit yelling and trying to walk around (yup we are THAT family). The rest of the day was pretty relaxing for us. Hope you all enjoy Matt's deployment pictures.