I don't know even know where to begin. Things got pretty crazy for a while and my mind was too occupied to blog about anything. So a month by month recap in as few sentences as possible.
Sept. '12 - Brother and sister both started school (5th and pre school). Hubby and I celebrated our 6th anniversary
Oct. '12 - Halloween and hubby studying like crazy for an up coming test. I dealt with some family issues that had me a little sad. I don't like to air my dirty laundry but sometimes I am amazed at how money can change a person for the worse.
Nov. '12 - Hubby passed his tests and graduated from his intermediate language class. We still at this point had no idea where we were PCSing too. My sweet little girl helped me prepare all the sides for our Thanksgiving meal.
Dec. '12 - Found out that we would be pcsing back to MD and needed to be out of housing in a week and in MD Jan. 7th. So we packed and had to pay someone to clean our house and carpets. We spend the holidays in TX.
Jan. '13- Made it safely into MD on the 4th and lived in a hotel (extended stay) for the rest of that month. Longest month EVER!
Feb. '13- Unpacked our home and had quite a bit of damage done to our stuff so messing with that whole process wasn't fun. In fact we are still waiting on our check to replace our stuff. Celebrated mine and my daughter's birthdays. Went to see Disney on Ice. We also had a passing in our family. My uncle. It was such a tragic loss. His passing is one of those that really makes you realize how short life really is. Without going into any detail of his death I can say he wasn't suffering from an illness or doing anything stupid like drinking and driving or speeding. It was one of those deaths where you go about your day as usual and something just wrong on that day. I think about my aunt and cousin quite a bit and have been praying for them a lot. I guess when its your time it is your time. So, I've tired to change my out look on certain situations where I can sometimes be a negative Nancy.
Mar. '13 - This month has been surprisingly cold. My son is getting ready for Spring Break soon. I am birthday shopping for my mom and sister. Over all just getting back into a routine. We ordered some bedroom furniture to replace the ones that were damaged. After waiting over a month on it we should be getting it delivered next week. I'm getting use to my new computer that I haven't been able to upload any pictures. I am hoping to go back and start my regular postings again.

This is me playing with my new gift several weeks after my birthday. I really hadn't had time to set it up. I took this from my hubby's FB.

Thought it was pretty neat. My name is hardly ever spelled like that. I usually see Carrie or Keri used more often. So glad I could find it spelled correctly on a Chinese take out box in TX.
**Oh I am also on Instagram** (I update that more often)