I can't believe November has come and gone. I know the month isn't over just yet it practically is at my house. The fall decorations are down and have been replaced w/ Christmas.
Our Thanksgiving this year was a good one. We spent it at a friend's house w/ three other families. Being there helped keep my mind off of not having Matthew w/us. I had to look at the bright side though. He did get to visit w/ my family and since he spent Thanksgiving with his other family only means we get him for Christmas! Last Christmas was so depressing for me that I cried Christmas morning :( This year will be great. Not only will Mady get to participate in opening gifts (last yr she was only 10months) but my parents and sister will be here too. It has been 4 yrs since I've spent a holiday with them. Plus, I'm not stressing about $$ for their visit because the kids' gifts have been bought and wrapped already. I will definitely continue early Christmas shopping.
Oh I forgot to mention that earlier this month DH graduated from CCAF. It was short ceremony (thank gawd). Mady was well Mady...loud. She talked thru most of the ceremony as well as ran up and down the pew. Luckily we were the only ones in that row with a very nice man at the other end who humored her. I did get compliments that she was cute and well behaved from the row behind us...really? Could they not here her telling the different speakers to "go home"? Oh well whether they were being nice or honest I'm just glad they weren't rude.