I also wish that we were back in TX with my family. The past few years we are usually back home visiting and spending and I usually get to spend this day with my dad. I miss him and everyone else. I did get to speak to him today and look forward to seeing him very soon. I love you dad and thank you for all that you have done not only for me but for Matthew as well.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Happy Father's Day!
I also wish that we were back in TX with my family. The past few years we are usually back home visiting and spending and I usually get to spend this day with my dad. I miss him and everyone else. I did get to speak to him today and look forward to seeing him very soon. I love you dad and thank you for all that you have done not only for me but for Matthew as well.
Friday, June 17, 2011
ULTA hell

Since I did just buy it I've only used it today. I did notice that my eyeshadow didn't have a crease in it by the end of the night...so yay for that product so far.
Mady LOVED their marshmallow sparkle powder.

I had to laugh everytime she squealed when I put some powder on her arm. When the boys joined us she had to show her papa how "barkley" (she can't quite say sparkly) her arms were. I think in the future I will go to Ulta alone or make my husband come in with me and not go off to Best Buy haha.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
DIY make up brush holder
The day I refurbished my old flip flops I also made this. I bought the glass vase over a year ago at Michael's,ribbons and glass pebbles were purchased there too. I liked how it turned out. I need another for my larger brushes.

Friday, June 10, 2011
Happy 9th Birthday Matthew
I CANNOT believe that Matt is 9! It still hasn't hit me...he then of course reminds me that when he is 10 that I'll be 30 (gee thanks). He STILL isn't out of school. He is getting out 2 hrs. early and it will continue until his last day on the 14th. About 4 we headed to Chuck E. Cheese where he wanted to have his birthday dinner. He and sister both enjoyed themselves. He won quite a few tickets but the way he plays these games makes me think he has gambler tendencies (j/k). After we got home we got on Skype w/ my parents and sister so we all could sing Happy Birthday and open gifts. He really enjoyed all of his gift and his cake too. He chose it but while I left it to thaw a bit little Mady came by and swiped her fingers across the cake. I can't believe how quickly his birthday came up on us. He is growing up way too fast. I love you Matthew.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Frankenstein shoes
So, my overly crafty friend,Barbie, invited me to a shoe makeover party. I am so not the least bit crafty but decided to take two pairs of flip flops to see what I could do. I bought the glittery pink zebra pair at Michael's. Not really what I wanted but pretty much what they had in my size. The other pair were an old pair I hardly wore. I kinda liked the straps just not the flowers. So, I saw online where one girl was able to remove the straps from her flip flops and she put fabric in place. I wanted to just switch out the straps and maybe add something in place of the flowers. I cut up the black flip flops to remove the straps and cut off the pink straps to get them off the zebra shoes. Next I spent some time with a screw driver pushing thru the black straps. Later, I added the monogram pins. I did rip out the pin part so they were more like buttons. I hot glued them on to the straps. I'm happy with them but now I can't wait to do another pair and do a way better job. I think this pair will make cute pool shoes.

Monday, June 6, 2011
American Hotdogs
So, we decided to go ahead and try the American hotdog from June's issue of the Food Network magazine. I had made pulled pork on Sunday and we had plenty of leftovers. The ingredients to top the dog with are pulled pork,bbq sauce and cole slaw. We weren't impressed. It wasn't gross or anything it just seemed to lack flavor. It's one we won't be eating again.

Sunday, June 5, 2011
My idea was stolen!

Thursday, June 2, 2011
Target oh Target how you sometimes make this money saving mommy so HAPPY :)
The other day the family and I went to Target to exchange some work out shorts that Ken bought in the wrong size. To be fair he chose the correct size just the shorts themselves were on the wrong pant hanger. He was sweet enough to take the kids so I could walk around kid free. Now in no way whats so ever am I good couponer. I don't scout online for deals or plan anything out. I simply set aside the ones I want to use and that's about it. So, when I saw some clearance items that I knew I had coupons for I had to use them. The Suave Professionals was on clearance for $3.50 but with my $1 off two Suave shampoos (there were three to a pack) I got all three for $2.50. I am in no way a shampoo snob so I was happy. The mouth wash was the Listerine Zero which I had been wanting to try because regular mouth wash is way too strong. So this bottle had a travel size (perfect for my up coming trip) and was on clearance for $4.34 and I had a $1 off one so mine was $3.34. The Sally Hansen nail file was only a $1 so not bad but what made it better was my coupon was $1 off any Sally Hansen nail product so yay for FREE!
Now you must be wondering why I bought clearance candy. Well, my son's birthday is next Friday and he wants candy bags for his class. So 20 candy bags can get kinda pricey on top of his gift list and going out with some of his friends. So, I happened to past the candy section (an aisle I RARELY go down at in Target) but noticed a few of their brand loose candy was clearance. I looked around to see what other candies were on clearance. The chocolate bliss was clearance for $2.44 as well as the Wonka chocolates both I had $1 off coupons off for. The other two bags were for filler but luckily my son likes those candies as well. Overall buying all the candies and bags cost me $19.56 not too bad for having to prepare 20 bags. Oh and the Airheads (his current faves) were in the $1 section. Now if only all his gifts that he wants could be on sale/clearance...
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Memorial Weekend Recap
Friday - Little M had her last mommy and me class. I think I might enroll her again after the summer. Hubby and I also ran a few errands around town before big M got home from school. Hubby grilled too for dinner :)
Saturday - We bummed around the house. Our community pool opened so we took the kids for about an hour. The kids and I got dark and poor Ken still has his farmer's tan haha. That evening we went to church and had an older family with us in the cry room. When I say older I mean the two older kids were teenagers and their youngest was a 1st or 2nd grader...all very well behaved which made me wonder why was their father and his kids in there? I usually let little M talk and dance around in there because its either us only or another family with a toddler in there. So, trying to keep her quiet for the sake of this man and his family was a bit tough AND to top it off he wanted to leave the one of the doors open because it would make the room a lot more cooler. I said no because my kid would either run our or be so loud that we would disrupt the others that were in the church. Its a cry room for goodness sake not V.I.P. seating at church. Oh well. Later that night I got to go out with a great friend for a movie and drinks. Mrs. Barbie and I saw Bridesmaids.

It was hilarious EXCEPT for the vomit scene. I have a huge fear of vomit (real or fake) and couldn't watch or listen to that part haha. Luckily most of my friends already know this so it isn't a shock when I close my eyes and cover my ears during vomit scenes. It was great gabbing with her over margaritas. Afterwards we came back to my house and hubby had made margaritas (banana and strawberry) and we all talked til almost 3 am. Needless to say getting up the next day wasn't fun, but I hardly have nights like these so it was worth it :) We went to Kohls on Sunday and I bought this bottle. I am not sure if its sad or not, but from all of our purchases over the weekend this is what I loved the most.

I love its size and color. I drink A LOT of water and it is so annoying having to fill up my water bottle constantly. This bottle is 64 oz and has a ice pack that you twist on. So not only does it keep my water cool but I also don't have to fill more than two times a day. Well, that is all. I am just still PATIENTLY waiting for the school year to end so we can go on vacation. I so can't wait :)