The other day the family and I went to Target to exchange some work out shorts that Ken bought in the wrong size. To be fair he chose the correct size just the shorts themselves were on the wrong pant hanger. He was sweet enough to take the kids so I could walk around kid free. Now in no way whats so ever am I good couponer. I don't scout online for deals or plan anything out. I simply set aside the ones I want to use and that's about it. So, when I saw some clearance items that I knew I had coupons for I had to use them. The Suave Professionals was on clearance for $3.50 but with my $1 off two Suave shampoos (there were three to a pack) I got all three for $2.50. I am in no way a shampoo snob so I was happy. The mouth wash was the Listerine Zero which I had been wanting to try because regular mouth wash is way too strong. So this bottle had a travel size (perfect for my up coming trip) and was on clearance for $4.34 and I had a $1 off one so mine was $3.34. The Sally Hansen nail file was only a $1 so not bad but what made it better was my coupon was $1 off any Sally Hansen nail product so yay for FREE!
Now you must be wondering why I bought clearance candy. Well, my son's birthday is next Friday and he wants candy bags for his class. So 20 candy bags can get kinda pricey on top of his gift list and going out with some of his friends. So, I happened to past the candy section (an aisle I RARELY go down at in Target) but noticed a few of their brand loose candy was clearance. I looked around to see what other candies were on clearance. The chocolate bliss was clearance for $2.44 as well as the Wonka chocolates both I had $1 off coupons off for. The other two bags were for filler but luckily my son likes those candies as well. Overall buying all the candies and bags cost me $19.56 not too bad for having to prepare 20 bags. Oh and the Airheads (his current faves) were in the $1 section. Now if only all his gifts that he wants could be on sale/clearance...