So I am from a small border city in TX. I go home every summer for a month. When living there I (as well as plenty of others from my home town) said at one point we hated living there. I no longer feel that way since moving MILES and MILES away from home. Don't get me wrong I don't exactly want to move back there, but would love to move closer. I guess after experiencing so much in larger cities that it's hard to go back to a small city. Well, the other night hubby and I were in bed watching tv when we saw a new season of Bordertown will be starting Oct.13th and guess which city they picked...?? My home town Laredo,TX (HA!).
Friday, September 30, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
The Smiths Please, please, please, let me get what I want
I LOVE LOVE this song. I LOVE LOVE Morrissey's voice. This is one of my few absolute favorite songs. I do have an eclectic list of songs so if I told you another favorite you would probably say "WTF"? So, I'll save that song for another day. Most of my favorite songs stem from childhood. This one is thanks to the movie Pretty in Pink. C'mon we were all Team Duckie whether we want to admit it or not.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Friday thru Monday...
Well, it's been an up and down past few days. I'll make it short and sweet. Friday was a down because Matt broke his retainer and was possibly going to cost us $350 to replace. Saturday and Sunday were up days. Nothing spectacular happened but just an over all good two days. Monday was alright til that evening when the Redskins lost to the Cowboys by two points! I can't discuss the game... Monday did have some good news. Matt's retainer can be fixed. It will take 4 weeks and only cost $85 which is way better than the $350 we were thinking it was going to cost us. I'll update more later on the 5k I ran Sunday morning.
The cutest little Redskins fan.
The cutest little Redskins fan.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Bath & Body Works is taking my money...
So, after many years of ignoring BBW I have finally found my way back again. I am not going to lie I did go in there for the anti bacs but really that was it. Again they had a 2 for $20 special also a free gift with any purchase. The two large candles I bought were Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin and Caramel Pumpkin Latte. My free gift was the bag with three small candles. The scents are from their upcoming winter collection and they are Marshmallow Peppermint, Gingerbread and Candied Sugar Plum. I also had a coupon that gave me a free mini candle with a $10 purchase. So I chose Smores for my son. He loves that scent. I also bought a body scrub in Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin...have you noticed how I am just loving all things pumpkin right now?
Friday, September 16, 2011
Incubus pics
I usually don't forget my camera but I did for the concert :( So, here are the ones from my phone. The first pic is of us while Young the Giant was performing, the second one is of one of the deaf interpreters signing during the concert and the last is of Brandon singing :) We finally had our first chilly day here so I am just going to enjoy the rest of the evening with the family. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
So, I said I had just gotten my new phone Friday afternoon. I went from an EVO to a Iphone. I am still playing around with it. I was use to setting my alarm on my Evo and it would set for M-F. Well, with my new phone you have to individually click on the days you want it to go off. Well, dummy me didn't do that so Tuesday instead of waking up at 7 I woke up to my daughter talking at 8...Matt's school starts at 7:45! I run to his room and he is AWAKE in bed playing with his DS. I was MAD! Got us all completely ready and out the door. I told Matt how disappointed I was in him for knowing better and not waking me up. He knows the routine this has happened in the past but not where we are late. It was more like when I would go to his room to wake him at 7 he would already be awake playing his ds. Plus, this hasn't happened in almost a year. He knows that playing video games in the morning is a no no...well school mornings. So, yes I have the DS til...
Besides our frazzled morning (Mady and I had somewhere to be by 9:30) the rest of the day was pretty calm. I did go to Target that evening with the family because I did want to check out the Missoni line. Well, there wasn't much to check out. Seems like everything was almost sold out! They had some bins but I really don't need anymore. I was looking for some flats but all they had were munchkin sizes left.

I really like them and I am on a mission to find them or something like them. I heart flats and these colors would be great for fall. So, they didn't have my size so I walked out with this instead:
I needed a new mascara and right now Maybelline has limited edition tubes of their great lash mascara. I bought the BCBG Max Azria edition.
My favorite purchase of the night was the Pumpkin Pie Pop Tarts (sad,I know)but I am a sucker for anything pumpkin right now haha.
Besides our frazzled morning (Mady and I had somewhere to be by 9:30) the rest of the day was pretty calm. I did go to Target that evening with the family because I did want to check out the Missoni line. Well, there wasn't much to check out. Seems like everything was almost sold out! They had some bins but I really don't need anymore. I was looking for some flats but all they had were munchkin sizes left.

I really like them and I am on a mission to find them or something like them. I heart flats and these colors would be great for fall. So, they didn't have my size so I walked out with this instead:

I needed a new mascara and right now Maybelline has limited edition tubes of their great lash mascara. I bought the BCBG Max Azria edition.
My favorite purchase of the night was the Pumpkin Pie Pop Tarts (sad,I know)but I am a sucker for anything pumpkin right now haha.

Monday, September 12, 2011
Incubus...wish you were here
I was able to upload the tiny snippet of the song that I recorded last night.
9-11-11 (a day late)
I can't believe it has been 10 yrs since the tragic incident of what we all refer to as "9/11". I remember exactly where I was. I was a few weeks pregnant with my son and a college student. That morning I was volunteering at a Head Start for my teca class. We didn't have tv and really it wasn't until the owner came in and let us know what had happened. She had a small radio and a mini black and white tv in her closet of an office. We all listened and tried our best to explain to the kids what was going on while we all tried to understand ourselves what had just happened. I met my dad and mom for lunch but we first met at a tire shop where my dad's truck was being serviced. That is where I actually got to see the horrible videos.
Our church this past weekend had a basket filled with everyones names who sadly lost their life that day. We were asked to pick one and say a special prayer for them. So, Matt chose a name...Sergio Villanueva. He was one of the firefighters that responded that morning. Born 7/4/68 in Argentina and loved soccer.
I chose Meredith Lynn Whalen. She was only 23 years old and was working in one of the twin towers when the plane hit. Her mother's letter made me tear up.
We finally explained to Matt (as little detail as possible) what 9/11 is or means here in the U.S. He asked because of the basket at church. He wanted to know why we were praying for them.
Today also marks the 6 month anniversary of my grandpa's passing. My family back home had a mass for him. I still miss him very much and think often of that last time I was with him...summer '10. I still wish I could go back and change what I said to him. "I love you grandpa, I'll see you next summer". I kinda had a feeling I wouldn't be seeing him the following summer,but the naive part of me didn't want to believe it and thought I was over reacting. So, I kept it positive I suppose.
We also went to concert that evening and saw Incubus. Young the Giant was the opening act. The whole concert was awesome. We sat next to two guys who claimed to be huge Incubus fans. They weren't lying. They sang every song...every word. They were dancing so hard core that I was almost elbowed in the cheek. They were very talkative and friendly. After every song they would hug each other (Ha). There were also two deaf interpreters there. I really enjoyed watching them sign to the songs. Since the concert was pretty long for just one person they took turns. Both did really well. I forgot my camera so no pics...well except for the ones from phone. I am still learning the ends and outs of my new iphone so I'll have to post those later. Since the concert was on 9/11 he did dedicate a song to them...Wish You Were Here. We will definitely make plans to see them again when they come back this way.
One last thing...Redskins won their first game of the season!! Go Redskins!!
Our church this past weekend had a basket filled with everyones names who sadly lost their life that day. We were asked to pick one and say a special prayer for them. So, Matt chose a name...Sergio Villanueva. He was one of the firefighters that responded that morning. Born 7/4/68 in Argentina and loved soccer.
I chose Meredith Lynn Whalen. She was only 23 years old and was working in one of the twin towers when the plane hit. Her mother's letter made me tear up.
We finally explained to Matt (as little detail as possible) what 9/11 is or means here in the U.S. He asked because of the basket at church. He wanted to know why we were praying for them.
Today also marks the 6 month anniversary of my grandpa's passing. My family back home had a mass for him. I still miss him very much and think often of that last time I was with him...summer '10. I still wish I could go back and change what I said to him. "I love you grandpa, I'll see you next summer". I kinda had a feeling I wouldn't be seeing him the following summer,but the naive part of me didn't want to believe it and thought I was over reacting. So, I kept it positive I suppose.
We also went to concert that evening and saw Incubus. Young the Giant was the opening act. The whole concert was awesome. We sat next to two guys who claimed to be huge Incubus fans. They weren't lying. They sang every song...every word. They were dancing so hard core that I was almost elbowed in the cheek. They were very talkative and friendly. After every song they would hug each other (Ha). There were also two deaf interpreters there. I really enjoyed watching them sign to the songs. Since the concert was pretty long for just one person they took turns. Both did really well. I forgot my camera so no pics...well except for the ones from phone. I am still learning the ends and outs of my new iphone so I'll have to post those later. Since the concert was on 9/11 he did dedicate a song to them...Wish You Were Here. We will definitely make plans to see them again when they come back this way.
One last thing...Redskins won their first game of the season!! Go Redskins!!

Friday, September 9, 2011
Dave Matthews GPS spoof
I love Dave Matthews Band and if this GPS really existed I would so buy it haha.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Labor Day Weekend Recap
Friday Sept. 2nd my husband and I celebrated our 5th yr anniversary. I really can't believe 5 yrs have flown by so quickly. We didn't have much planned for the day because we'll be going to a concert on the 11th (sans kids) and that was more of a gift to ourselves. Matt had a dr. appt. that afternoon. After his appt. it was after 4:30 we decided to go grab dinner with the kids. We enjoyed our meal and that evening on post Blake Shelton was performing a free concert for all military and their families. I am the only one who likes country music but the rest of the family came anyways. I thought he put on a great concert and it was only a little over an hour which was good. The kids were ready to leave. Mady did enjoy herself by dancing around a lot even through the ballads. I got a few pictures but I need a better camera to get a better quality.
On Saturday we went to Columbia and walked around the mall. I did get a few items. We are switching over cell phone providers and I chose an iphone 4 (I still really love my Evo 4g but that's another story behind the switch a roo). So, I picked out a new cell phone cover and since Matt will be having a lot more appts. coming up I decided it was time I buy an actual agenda. I use a small calendar book which has been working fine but when I have more than one thing to do/or a reminder on one day then there really isn't any room to write it.
I had such a hard time choosing between both those patterns (Navy Bloomers and Luscious) so I decided I'd get one of each. We also went by Bath & Body Works because they were having a sale on their large candles which were 2 for $20.
I really love the scent Autumn and my new fave is Cinnamon Sugar Doughnut which makes me crave the ones from Dunkin Donuts when I smell it. I also needed a new car freshner. I was a little disappointed in the one from Yankee (it was more the scent that I chose I suppose). The little purple owl was too cute and he came with a scent pack already inside and that scent was Autumn.
Last stop was the Vera Bradley store. I had been waiting for their Stadium blankets to come out. They aren't as large as I thought they would be but it is just the right size for laying on the couch. I chose the Mocha Rouge pattern. We lucked out and got it on its promotional price plus an additional discount for military (yay for extra savings!). The rest of our weekend was very low key. We enjoyed staying in and relaxing. I am so lucky that Ken got both Friday and Monday off. I've enjoyed his extra long weekend and it couldn't come at a better time for our anniversary. I look forward to many many more years with him.
On Saturday we went to Columbia and walked around the mall. I did get a few items. We are switching over cell phone providers and I chose an iphone 4 (I still really love my Evo 4g but that's another story behind the switch a roo). So, I picked out a new cell phone cover and since Matt will be having a lot more appts. coming up I decided it was time I buy an actual agenda. I use a small calendar book which has been working fine but when I have more than one thing to do/or a reminder on one day then there really isn't any room to write it.
I had such a hard time choosing between both those patterns (Navy Bloomers and Luscious) so I decided I'd get one of each. We also went by Bath & Body Works because they were having a sale on their large candles which were 2 for $20.
I really love the scent Autumn and my new fave is Cinnamon Sugar Doughnut which makes me crave the ones from Dunkin Donuts when I smell it. I also needed a new car freshner. I was a little disappointed in the one from Yankee (it was more the scent that I chose I suppose). The little purple owl was too cute and he came with a scent pack already inside and that scent was Autumn.
Last stop was the Vera Bradley store. I had been waiting for their Stadium blankets to come out. They aren't as large as I thought they would be but it is just the right size for laying on the couch. I chose the Mocha Rouge pattern. We lucked out and got it on its promotional price plus an additional discount for military (yay for extra savings!). The rest of our weekend was very low key. We enjoyed staying in and relaxing. I am so lucky that Ken got both Friday and Monday off. I've enjoyed his extra long weekend and it couldn't come at a better time for our anniversary. I look forward to many many more years with him.
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