Her birth story:
She was several days late and I had really little patience left. I had already been scheduled to be induced (which I didn't want) but was so uncomfortable I went ahead to schedule a date. I walked my whole neighborhood the night before (my bday) to see if that would help. That night I went to bed early so I could get up and ready for Matt's cub scout badge ceremony. I woke up with cramping and because it started to get a tad bit intense I decided not to go to the ceremony. I didn't think I was actually in labor yet just experiencing Braxton hicks. So, as the contractions began to get stronger I finally called the nurse's line and played phone tag and answering the same 20 questions several times. FINALLY! I was given the go ahead to go to the hospital. Luckily, that was right when the ceremony part had ended. Ken had to pick up lunch for Matt to eat since they jetted out as soon as it was over. Some great friends came by to pick up Matt and have him stay the night. As soon as they arrived to get Matt we took off ourselves. For a Saturday afternoon the traffic was't bad. The pain was getting worse but we made it pretty quickly and to the labor and delivery wing. I was put in the same exact room we saw when we toured the hospital. It was a nice spacious room and then began the wait. I was in pain and SO disliked my overly happy nurse (I later loved her). She was back and forth between me and someone in for a C-section. I almost didn't get an epidural because the anesthetist was with that c-section person. I lost my nurse for awhile because of that person as well. Luckily the c-section went quicker than she thought and the rude anesthetist made it to my room in time as well. As soon as she left my nurse turned and said "I was almost sure she wasn't going to make it here in time". I have a high tolerance for pain and think that I could've done it without the meds but not sure if I will push my luck. I am thinking for my last one I will do it with no medicine just to say that I did it. We were in our room by 3pm and Mady was out by 8:38pm. I had to push more with her than I did with Matt. She was beautiful. Full head of black hair,pink skin,red lip and so chubby. Both Ken and I were instantly in love with her.

Her day today was low key. It was up in the 60's today but it was rainy all day. She opened her gifts after her bubba got home from school. She talked to Grandma Carol for a little while and later that evening we Skyped with Tia Kat and "Grandy". They helped us sing "Happy Birthday".