Wednesday, August 15, 2012
I'm alive!!
It was a pretty busy summer for us. Matt turned 10 on June 10th and a month later he flew to TX to visit family for a month. It was the LONGEST month ever, but I did get plenty mommy and me time with Mady. I was able to do activities geared for her and not have to worry about boring Matt because he is too old. So, instead of blabbing away I thought I'd just post a bunch of pictures.
10th birthday,tour of the Jelly Belly Factory in Fairfield and we met Max at Gilroy Gardens. We plan on going back this weekend to meet Strawberry Shortcake.
Friday, June 29, 2012
So about two years ago I was invited to a Scentsy party. I didn't really want to go because I had no idea what it was. I honestly thought it was like Party Lite candles which I didn't really care for. I went because my friend was the hostess...I had no idea who the consultant was. I ended up liking the products but to be safe I purchased only one warmer and scent. The first warmer I chose was the Air Force one and the scent was Autumn sunset. After that I mainly purchased scents and then finally I bought the small plug in warmer. We use that one in our bathroom. The cupcake mid sized warmer is in Mady's room. The most recent one is the Bride warmer which I have on my vanity. I plan on getting one for Matt's room but I'm not sure which to choose. The "sporty" ones they have aren't really up his alley. He just isn't into sports at all. Then there is the design it yourself one but the stickers that they come with aren't really his style either. I am hoping they will make a space one or something. I may just go with a solid color also. So far I have been happy with every scent I have purchased except for one (Watermelon Patch). That one smelled too much like fake watermelon. I actually like fake watermelon smells but that was too much for me. If you get a chance to order Scentsy I highly recommend it.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
It's been a while.
I will post later why I took another short leave. Right now I will make this one a happy post. Lately, I've been loving cotton candy scents. Yup that extremely sugary sweet smell. I just love it. I am guessing because it's summer even though it doesn't really feel like it here in Monterey. Well, the candle,lip balm and car fresheners are all from Target. I went in for one item and walked out with these as well. Smelling them reminds me of my childhood.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Where have I been?
Well, not too long after my last post here I got news that my grandma on my dad's side had passed on. I was so sad and I went into a mini depression. I was unable to fly back to TX. There were so many things that just didn't line up like I had hoped they would and so I stayed here in CA. I felt horrible that my whole family was able to get together and celebrate her life and I wouldn't be apart of it. I started to hate the military life that has kept me away from family. I am not trying to bite the hand that feeds me it was just something I felt at that moment in time. It was all too much. New state,new area,school and now a family death...I just got sad and kept to myself. Slowly I have began to pull myself out of this rut. I am now enjoying our new "home" state. So, here are a few pics over the last few weeks. They include Easter,beach time (its still pretty cool in this area), Fresno zoo and the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Enjoy!
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
What I've been loving lately...
So, Matt is on a two week spring break (yes TWO weeks) and the kids and I are sick...perfect timing I suppose. I thought I'd share some items that I've really been loving lately.

Birthday Cake Oreo cookies are awesome! I heart the sprinkles mixed into the cream filling.

Caffeine free Diet Coke. I drink this because I love Diet Coke but the caffeine keeps me up at all hours of the night. So, luckily this is a great alternative.

I bought these two sandwich/snack keeper at Old Navy. The brand is Sistema. It has a compartment for the sandwich and one for some snacks in another.

I also picked up these travel utensils that come with a fork,knife,spoon and chopsticks. You have to put them together but I loved this. My son sometimes has to take throw away plastic utensils to school or actual sliverware (which has accidentally thrown out).

This last one is for salads. At the bottom you keep your lettuce and in the top compartment is where you can put your fruits/veggies or nuts. Also a small container for your dressing. This will work out great for meat less lunches on Fridays for Matt. I plan on using it for tuna fish salad for him.
I bought these all at Old Navy for a great price. They seem pretty durable and are BPA free. I bought two sets for the kids and plan on using them for their snacks/lunches on days we go out to the beach. I'm off to bed and hoping we all magically wake up healthier tomorrow :)
Birthday Cake Oreo cookies are awesome! I heart the sprinkles mixed into the cream filling.
Caffeine free Diet Coke. I drink this because I love Diet Coke but the caffeine keeps me up at all hours of the night. So, luckily this is a great alternative.
I bought these two sandwich/snack keeper at Old Navy. The brand is Sistema. It has a compartment for the sandwich and one for some snacks in another.
I also picked up these travel utensils that come with a fork,knife,spoon and chopsticks. You have to put them together but I loved this. My son sometimes has to take throw away plastic utensils to school or actual sliverware (which has accidentally thrown out).
This last one is for salads. At the bottom you keep your lettuce and in the top compartment is where you can put your fruits/veggies or nuts. Also a small container for your dressing. This will work out great for meat less lunches on Fridays for Matt. I plan on using it for tuna fish salad for him.
I bought these all at Old Navy for a great price. They seem pretty durable and are BPA free. I bought two sets for the kids and plan on using them for their snacks/lunches on days we go out to the beach. I'm off to bed and hoping we all magically wake up healthier tomorrow :)
Monday, March 19, 2012
I heart Tervis Tumblers
I use my Tervis Tumblers for almost every drink. I love that they keep my drinks hot when I want them hot and cold when I want them cold. Can't beat their lifetime warranty as well. We have a few and I look forward to adding more to our collection. Here is a picture of the ones we currently own (minus one that Ken took to work this morning.)

(L-R) Tervis shaker,24 oz Cherry Blossoms,24 oz pink and green bubbles, 24 oz Texas and barbwire,24 oz beer and a 16 oz cupcake with butterfly.

This is another one we have but Ken took it to work this morning. It's a 24 oz Redskins one.

This is one that I want next. I think I'll be monograming it as well.
(L-R) Tervis shaker,24 oz Cherry Blossoms,24 oz pink and green bubbles, 24 oz Texas and barbwire,24 oz beer and a 16 oz cupcake with butterfly.

This is another one we have but Ken took it to work this morning. It's a 24 oz Redskins one.

This is one that I want next. I think I'll be monograming it as well.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Happy St. Patrick's Day
It was a rainy cold day here in CA but a little after 2 the rain let up. The weather still didn't stop us from par taking in the festivities. For breakfast I made shamrock eggs (thank you Pinterest for the idea) and dinner we had shamrock themed ravioli with some green beer. Hope everyone else has had a safe and green St. Patty's Day.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Easter goodies
I love Lenten season. It never meant much to me in the past until 2007. I found my way back to my faith to my GOD. I wasn't looking to be saved but I was. I am forever grateful to that day it happened. So, I look at Lent as almost a "New Year" type of celebration (for me).
Ok well, before I was "saved" I had always enjoyed receiving an Easter basket and now that I am a mom I enjoy putting them together. I know the Easter bunny has nothing to do with the whole reason we celebrate Easter, but I like that little added extra. Plus, I love Easter with all its springy pastel colors. I've been buying little goodies for the kids' Easter baskets here and there since January. This is what will be in their baskets:

Matt's basket

Mady's basket
Ok well, before I was "saved" I had always enjoyed receiving an Easter basket and now that I am a mom I enjoy putting them together. I know the Easter bunny has nothing to do with the whole reason we celebrate Easter, but I like that little added extra. Plus, I love Easter with all its springy pastel colors. I've been buying little goodies for the kids' Easter baskets here and there since January. This is what will be in their baskets:
Matt's basket
Mady's basket
Saturday, March 3, 2012
I'm gaudy and I know it...
My birthday gift from my husband...
Yes, I really did want these in this color. I am getting Mady the same pair so we can be twinsies. Yup, I will more in likely be that 40 something who still thinks she can pull off a halter top and body glitter (I am only joking on that last part...I hope).
Yes, I really did want these in this color. I am getting Mady the same pair so we can be twinsies. Yup, I will more in likely be that 40 something who still thinks she can pull off a halter top and body glitter (I am only joking on that last part...I hope).
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Happy Birthday Mady!!
We are FINALLY settled into our new home. I am glad to see February go. It was such a stressful month for all of us. My 30th birthday came and went. It was a pretty great day. My husband surprised me with a dinner for us 2 only. One of his co workers kindly watched our kids for a couple of hours. We ate at a great restaurant right by the ocean. Since it was a Monday night the place was pretty quiet and just felt so romantic. Plus, having a great table by the water made it that more enjoyable. It was a relaxing dinner and I am so glad we got to go out.
Mady's birthday was a great one as well. She kept calling it her "lucky day'. For her birthday dinner we had pizza and cupcakes. We got to Skype with my family and video chat with my MIL. Mady is one lucky little girl to have such wonderful grandparents that even though we are hundred miles away they are still there to sing happy birthday with us. She also received great gifts.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Mady loves all the Pinkalicious books. Recently at Wal-Mart (when we still lived in MD) we found these two stuffed animals in the clearance section. They were $9.90 each so we bought them. They will be birthday gifts. I can't wait to see the look on her face when she unwraps them :)
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
My travel snacks
I'm not much for snacking while on the road, but incase I do feel like having a snack I come prepared.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Happy Valentine's Day
We gave the kids their gifts early since we are currently on the road. They both liked their gifts. The other was a sad attempt for my husband. He loves dark chocolate and that apple pie gum. It's the thought that counts...right? Hope everyone has a Happy Valentines Day!
Thursday, February 9, 2012
What's in my purse (moving addition)
As I type this my house is filled with boxes. I am waiting for the movers to get here and load up our boxes. I am carrying around my large purse since we will be on the road for a week. So this is what's in my bag. In no order: coupon holder, sunglasses, agenda,iPhone charger (I am using my iPhone to blog and take pictures),make up bag with no make up in it haha,strawberry tic tacs,Eos lip balm and hand lotion,contact drops,eye drops, crotons from my lunch that I didn't eat,clutch wallet, a reusable bag in the shape of a strawberry, a hoodie, Mady's socks that she took off today,jelly belly beans,car keys,checks and cinnamints. I am ready to start this trip. I am just ready to get this month over with. I know by the end of the month we will nicely be settled in our new home.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Be happy :)
This woman is talking about my hometown. Yes, some of the stuff she says is true. No, I am not like the people she is describing. I really hope no one does anything to scare her or make her feel even more uncomfortable. She made a big mistake by going on Youtube to bash her current city. Military spouses have a saying "Home is where the (insert branch name here) sends us." I truly believe that. I was not crazy about moving to MD when we first got orders here back in '07. It takes awhile and you also have to put yourself out there. Not everyone speaks pure Spanish in Laredo. I for one was not taught Spanish by my parents (thanks mom and dad!). I did pick it up but I am not fluent. Oh well. There are people like her all over this world. I just don't let people like her "rain on my parade."
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Feeding a picky eater on the road
Since we will be on the road for a week I know we won't be eating the healthiest. Usually lunch is fast food and dinner is at a sit down restaurant so that's when we can order veggies with our meal. Mady is such a picky eater at home I have to get some veggies in her any way that I can. Insert these little pouches. Some are packed with veggies that I haven't even tried (i.e. purple carrot and rutabagas.) She of course picked out the Princess pouches and we bought some sweeter fruit ones to use as snacks. I'm still clueless what I'll use to give my older son for a snack. He isn't as picky but due to his retainer and lip bumper he has quite a few items he can't eat at the moment. Ok back to cleaning out stuff.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Little ramblings...
I can't believe how close we are to start our long drive out to CA. I'm nervous because I'll be following my husband and kids. I'll be alone with our cat. My husband,family members,friends and even my kids say I drive like an old lady :/ I'm sorry I like to go under the speed limit. I'm hoping our trip doesn't take a full week.
Hmmm not sure what else is going on besides getting ready to move. I did go to TJ Maxx and found the cutest little earring and bracket organizer.
It was $15 and is double sided. I keep my nicer stuff in their pouches in my make up vanity. Also, I'm on a small sugar high for body products. The Philosphy 3 in 1 was also purchased on my TJ Maxx trip. The frosting anti bac is from Bath & Body Works. I really love sweet smelling stuff except when it comes to perfumes.
Hmmm not sure what else is going on besides getting ready to move. I did go to TJ Maxx and found the cutest little earring and bracket organizer.
It was $15 and is double sided. I keep my nicer stuff in their pouches in my make up vanity. Also, I'm on a small sugar high for body products. The Philosphy 3 in 1 was also purchased on my TJ Maxx trip. The frosting anti bac is from Bath & Body Works. I really love sweet smelling stuff except when it comes to perfumes.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Not so Spinkles cupcake...
I bought a mix of red velvet cupcake from Williams-Sonoma because I've always wanted to try their cupcakes. Well, preparing their mix wasn't as easy as Betty Crockers' and maybe next time I'll use the correct beater that they ask for. They asked for a flat head beater but I didn't have one and thought it wouldn't make a difference. I'm sure by the picture you can tell that it did make a difference haha. The cake was still good but I am hoping with our upcoming move to CA that we will be able to go and visit the actual store.
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